الأحد، 27 ديسمبر 2009

Ants are smarter than we think

The following picture calls any believer to glorify Allah almighty, world of ants is strange;….

The following picture calls any believer to glorify Allah almighty, world of ants is strange; hence there is a complete verse in the Qur'an named "the ant". Let us read and glorify Allah.

In the following pictures (enlarged by microscopes), we see a small ant extracts honeydew from Aphid. The ant emits adhesive material to stick the aphid on the plant inside a determined circle by that ant, so that aphid couldn't run away till the ant comes and sucks the honeydew from it!!

The honeydew is gathered at the same place till the ant comes and swallows the sugary honeydew.

Ants and aphids share a well-documented relationship of mutualism. Ants feed on the sugary honeydew left behind by aphids. In exchange, the ants protect the aphids from predators and parasites. In fact, honey ants will go to unusual lengths to ensure the health of the aphids in their care.

The Question, does the ant thank Allah? Of course it does, because He almighty taught her that technique to gather the sugary honeydew. Don't you believe that ant is smarter than we think? God be He blessed and exalted says: (And no moving (living) creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allah. And He knows its dwelling place and its deposit (in the uterus, grave). All is in a Clear Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz -the Book of Decrees with Allah).)(Sûrat Hûd-verse 6).


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


To watch some videos about the relationship between Ants and aphids click on the following links:

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhi-SYxNPFw&feature=related

2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqSZC7btVsA&NR=1&feature=fvwp

3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE7UL2pAaL0&NR=1




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